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Home > Health and Fitness > Body Swap Spell: How To Experience Life In Another Body
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Body Swap Spell: How To Experience Life In Another Body
Posted by : healing voodoo | Jul 16, 2024
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Having said that, body-switching would call for a high degree of consciousness; I am sure that you are now asking yourself what this means. In simple terms, the idea of consciousness denotes being awake.

But for someone who wants to use a body-switching spell, you will have to go deeper than just thinking about consciousness as merely being awake. Why? Because many people are awake but are still not conscious.

In a more profound sense, consciousness denotes being aware of external and internal existence. Simply, it means connecting an external object’s physical features with those that cannot be seen. For instance, a human being or a dog is not a simple lump of flesh. They have souls. Body Swap Spell

Once you realize that things are more than what we see physically, you have come to a consciousness that other people do not have. This is something that anybody swap spell caster should be conscious of if they will be useful to you when you cast spells to swap bodies with whomever you want.
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