Event Information | Event ID:17 | Category | Business | Event Title | RIM: Next server will work with all BlackBerry devices | Event Date | 9/24/2012 | Location | | Region | | Speaker(s) | | Description | RIM says its BlackBerry Enterprise Server 10 will be able to support existing devices, the PlayBook, and BlackBerry 10 phones. But there's a catch.
Research In Motion said today that the next iteration of its BlackBerry Enterprise Server will be able to handle both past and future BlackBerrys, assuaging concerns about compatibility issues and the need for companies to run multiple servers -- sort of.
RIM said it would launch BlackBerry Enterprise Server 10 at the same time as the launch of the first BlackBerry 10 phone early next year. Existing BES customers will get an upgrade to BES 10 to ensure they'll be able to handle both new and legacy devices.
| Organizors | BlackBerry | Contacts (Organizers) | | Sponsor | | URL (http://www...) | http://news.cnet.com/8301-1035_3-57498254-94/rim-next-server-will-work-with-all-blackberry-devices/?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1_3-0-20 | Internal / Public | Public |